
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting is the highest governing body of Valmet in which the shareholders participate in the supervision, decision-making and control of the Company.
More info about Annual General MeetingsBoard of Directors
Valmet’s Board of Directors consists of five to eight permanent members, which the Annual General Meeting elects for a term that lasts until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.
Members of the Board of DirectorsAudit Committee
The Audit Committee monitors the Company’s financial reporting and prepares issues for the Board of Directors related to the monitoring of Valmet’s financial situation, financial reporting, auditing, and risk management.
More about the Audit CommitteeRemuneration and HR Committee
The Remuneration and HR Committee focuses on the development of remuneration plans for the President and CEO and the other executives, as well as the remuneration principles in general observed by the Company.
More about the Remuneration and HR CommitteePresident and CEO
The President and CEO manages Valmet’s operations in accordance with the Finnish Companies Act, corporate governance rules and the instructions given by the Board of Directors. The President and CEO guides and supervises the operations of Valmet and its businesses.
More about the President and CEOExecutive Team
The Executive Team assists the President and CEO in the preparation of matters such as Valmet’s business plan, strategies, policies and other operative matters of joint importance.
Members of the Executive TeamInternal audit
Valmet’s Internal Audit assists the Company in achieving its objectives by providing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluating and improving risk management, internal control and governance processes.
More about Internal AuditShareholders' Nomination Board
Shareholders' Nomination Board prepares proposals concerning the election and remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors to the General Meetings.
More about Shareholders' Nomination Board
1Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting is the highest governing body of Valmet in which the shareholders participate in the supervision, decision-making and control of the Company.
More info about Annual General Meetings
2Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Valmet’s Board of Directors consists of five to eight permanent members, which the Annual General Meeting elects for a term that lasts until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.
Members of the Board of Directors
3Audit Committee
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee monitors the Company’s financial reporting and prepares issues for the Board of Directors related to the monitoring of Valmet’s financial situation, financial reporting, auditing, and risk management.
More about the Audit Committee
4Remuneration and HR Committee
Remuneration and HR Committee
The Remuneration and HR Committee focuses on the development of remuneration plans for the President and CEO and the other executives, as well as the remuneration principles in general observed by the Company.
More about the Remuneration and HR Committee
5President and CEO
President and CEO
The President and CEO manages Valmet’s operations in accordance with the Finnish Companies Act, corporate governance rules and the instructions given by the Board of Directors. The President and CEO guides and supervises the operations of Valmet and its businesses.
More about the President and CEO
6Executive Team
Executive Team
The Executive Team assists the President and CEO in the preparation of matters such as Valmet’s business plan, strategies, policies and other operative matters of joint importance.
Members of the Executive Team
8Internal audit
Internal audit
Valmet’s Internal Audit assists the Company in achieving its objectives by providing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluating and improving risk management, internal control and governance processes.
More about Internal Audit
9Shareholders' Nomination Board
Shareholders' Nomination Board
Shareholders' Nomination Board prepares proposals concerning the election and remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors to the General Meetings.
More about Shareholders' Nomination BoardThe Annual General Meeting is the highest governing body of Valmet in which the shareholders participate in the supervision, decision-making and control of the Company. The Board of Directors is responsible for the administration and the proper organization of the operations of the Company. The President and CEO, assisted by the Executive Team, is in charge of the day-to-day operative management of Valmet and its businesses.
Read more on Valmet's governance in the latest publications:
Corporate Governance Statement for 2023
Remuneration Report for 2023
Remuneration policy
Valmet's decision making and administration is governed by the Finnish Companies Act, the Finnish Securities Markets Act, the rules issued by the Helsinki Stock Exchange, Valmet's articles of association, the Finnish Corporate Governance Code and the “Recommendation regarding the procedures to be complied with in takeover bids” issued by the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers at the Finland Chamber of Commerce. If Valmet deviates from the recommendation of the Finnish Corporate Governance Code, it would specify and explain the deviation.