Raising concerns at Valmet

Valmet encourages our employees and stakeholders to speak up and raise concerns, if they notice any violations of our Code, other misconduct, or unethical behavior. Reporting misconduct is our responsibility at Valmet as it ensures that our Code applies to everyone, everywhere and every day.
Reports can be made to our external reporting channel, TrustLine. It is available 24/7 via telephone or Internet, and the report can be made in the language the reporter feels most comfortable with. Valmet will not know who has made the report unless the reporter identifies themself. The reporting channel is maintained by a third party to guarantee anonymity.
How is a reported misconduct investigated?
All reported cases will be taken seriously, investigated, and resolved appropriately. Investigations will be led by an impartial person or department. After the investigation and review of the facts, the case will be evaluated, and appropriate conclusions and follow-up actions will be taken. All investigations will be documented and reported in accordance with Valmet’s internal instructions and templates.
We will ensure confidentiality for everyone reporting suspected violations of our Code, other misconduct, or unethical behavior. Valmet will not tolerate any form of retaliation against persons who in good faith raise concerns or assist in investigations of possible violations.