Growth drivers and megatrends
Strong market drivers
Process Technologies | Services | Automation |
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Global megatrends, like urbanization and the growing middle class in the emerging markets, are Valmet's long-term growth drivers.
Climate change and resource efficient world
Climate change, environmental awareness and resource scarcity are driving the need to improve resource efficiency and reduce emissions. Increasing environmental awareness is driving more strict sustainability requirements from both authorities and consumers, resulting in an increasing need for clean and renewable energy and bio-products. Scarcity of minerals, fossil fuels, biomass and other natural resources is driving the need to use recycled and renewable raw materials and side streams, as well as the need for constant improvement of process efficiency.
Digitalization and new technologies
Digitalization, automation and new high-impact technologies are driving efficiency and new business models. Digitalization is driving changes in consumption, for example, increasing e-commerce, leading to changes in business models and the creation of new revenue streams. The use of digital technologies is bringing possibilities to improve efficiency in existing businesses through faster information sharing between systems and machines, as well as the growing availability of digital information. New high-impact technologies such as various biotechnologies, virtual reality and 3D printing are opening up opportunities for new high-value products and production methods. The number of Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices is expected to grow three-fold by 2030 worldwide1.
Urban, responsible and globally connected people

Urbanization, rising living standards, changing demographics, and globalization are driving changes in consumer behavior and our customers' demand. Urbanization is driving increasing concentration of energy demand, waste and emissions, sales of consumer goods through modern retail channels, and hygiene and sanitation levels. The growing middle class and higher levels of education are leading to increasing purchasing power, living standards and consumer awareness, while the aging population, globalization and individualization are creating changing consumer preferences and making products, services and information increasingly
available all over the world.