Guide tapes, waxes and other accessories

Valmet offers 6 different types of guide tapes in polyester, polyester/Meta Aramid and 100% Meta Aramid and 3 different lubricating waxes for different working temperature ranges: up to 175ºC, up to 185ºC and up to 250ºC.
We offer 6 different types of guide tapes in polyester, polyester/Meta Aramid and 100% Meta Aramid. All are weldable:
100% polyester guide tape suitable for steam ironers up to 180ºC in 15 or 16 mm of width.
Polyester / Meta Aramid guide tape suitable for steam ironers from 190ºC up to 210ºC in 13 mm of width.
100% Meta Aramid guide tape suitable for ironers up to 230ºC in 10 mm of width.
To join the two ends of the guide tape, we offer FITADESHT to "squeeze" between each end of the guide tape this special adhesive tape, which will melt with temperature. Alternatively, we offer a welding tool using ultrasonic waves.
We offer 6 different types of guide tapes in polyester, polyester/Meta Aramid and 100% Meta Aramid. All are weldable:
- 100% polyester guide tape suitable for steam ironers up to 180ºC in 15 or 16 mm of width.
- Polyester / Meta Aramid guide tape suitable for steam ironers from 190ºC up to 210ºC in 13 mm of width.
- 100% Meta Aramid guide tape suitable for ironers up to 230ºC in 10 mm of width.
To join the two ends of the guide tape, we offer FITADESHT to "squeeze" between each end of the guide tape this special adhesive tape, which will melt with temperature. Alternatively, we offer a welding tool using ultrasonic waves.
We offer 5 different lubricating waxes for different working temperature ranges:
- KARAGAMI up to 175º
- CCR.NT up to 185ºC
- FANAWAX up to 190ºC
- CR.HP. PLUS up to 250ºC
In addition, we offer an entirely different concept in ironing lubrication with Cleancoat. Unlike previous smearing waxes, the product is formulated to be effective over the full range of working temperatures found in modern laundries, from the relatively low temperatures of steam heated ironing to the newest oil heated, high temperature machines. It is also designed to minimize the residual effects of new chemical components in today's detergents, bleaches and other additives. Not only does Cleancoat create a lubricated coating on the ironer bed, a coating that allows full heat transfer, but it also contains a cleaning agent to prevent chemical deposits from forming and does not carbonize on the ironer bed.
Other accessories
For the covering of the ironer roll we can supply several types of springs and the necessary tools to place the springs and the needled felts. For the cleaning of the ironer chest we have several mechanical and chemical solutions. We also offer soluble bags, net bags and dust filters.
For the covering of the ironer roll we can supply several types of springs (Spingpress, Lapauw, etc.) and the necessary tools to place the springs and the needled felts:
- Lapauw springs
- Tool to remove & place a Lapauw spring
- Special needle to sew a Lapauw felt
- Stainless steel wire to sew Lapauw felt
- Meta Aramid cable to sew Lapauw felt
- Vacutest: to measure the flow of the air suction
For the cleaning of the ironer chest we have several mechanical and chemical solutions:
The blue bed cleaner and the red bed cleaner are cloths with oblical steel wool stripes and polishing stripes to clean and polish the ironer chest, available in several widths: blue bed cleaner for the traditional steel chest and red bed cleaner for the stainless steel chest.
The glove bed cleaner is a glove to remove deposits from the chest of the flatwork ironer, which occur mostly at the beginning of the chest of the first roll, and subsequently polish the surface of the chest: one side to scrub, other side to polish.
The scouring pad is an abrasive pad to scrub the chest of the flatwork ironer and remove deposits from the chest of the ironer, which occur mostly at the beginning of the chest of the first roll.
Cleanpaste is a new concept in the maintenance of ironers. Regardless of which wax or lubricant is used, due to the combination of heat, lint residues, alkali or carbonized powder waxes, a deposit is always possible on the chest. Cleanpaste has been designed to remove these residues without any mechanical action such as abrasive cloths or steel mesh pads and complies with all quality and safety standards, because it does not contain any abrasive, chemically aggressive components or solvents.
For the application of wax, Cleanpaste and Cleancoat, it is recommended to use a special application cloth. It has a silicon pocket to avoid the direct contact of the wax, Cleanpaste or Cleancoat with the felt. By doing so, the felt will not be clogged by wax, which reduces its permeability and output of the ironer. Available in 180 cm and 310 cm width. VERY IMPORTANT: You need 1 application cloth for each product!
We also offer soluble bags and net bags: The dust filter fabric has an opening of +/- 150 microns and a standard width of 2,2 m and is recommended to catch the cotton dust from the suction of the ironers or from the dryers.