Valvcon™ product and service offering
A comprehensive range of electric actuators

A tradition of innovation - Our complete line of compact and reliable Valvcon™ electric actuators provides accurate, electronically controlled positioning of valves and dampers for the wide range of the process industries.
Innovative actuator technology products and services
We have developed and introduced the industry’s most innovative products, including simple “set and go” calibration, intelligent processor-based digital electronics, “plug-in” accessory boards, “fail-safe” actuators, as well as electric actuators designed for remote, solar-powered applications and two-wire network applications. We have built our reputation and success on the ability to envision, implement, and deliver innovative actuator technology products and services to support emerging market requirements. As emerging technologies and market needs continue to evolve, we will lead the way with high-quality Valvcon actuators that exceed industry expectations and further refine the valve actuation process.
We offer a complete line of Valvcon electric actuators for accurate positioning of dampers and valves in the aerospace, automotive, consumer services, discrete manufacturing, energy, environmental, oil/pipeline, petrochemical, power/utilities, process, recreation, transportation, and water/wastewater industries.

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