BioCMPC project - A major upgrade of Guaíba mill’s line 2
Sep 20, 2024
CMPC acquired the Guaíba mill, located in southern Brazil in the Rio Grande do Sul state, in December 2009. The first line was originally built in 1972, and a second production line, Guaíba 2, started up in 2015. In 2021, CMPC decided to significantly invest in upgrading their operations.
“I’m very enthusiastic about the project’s finalization phase and look forward to a successful ramp-up from November 2023 onward to make the Guaíba mill one of the most sustainable in Brazil”
Jailson de Aquino, Industrial Director for CMPC in Brazil
Mauricio Harger, General Director for CMPC in Brazil
CMPC Guaíba pulp mill, located in the Rio Grande do Sul state in southern Brazil.
Customer challenge
The BioCMPC project consists of upgrading and increasing the production capacity of line 2 of CMPC's Guaíba (RS) unit from 1.5 million ADt/year to 1.85 million ADt/year in a sustainable way.
CMPC also wanted be a leader in sustainability and to be a global change agent in social development.
New high-power recovery boiler with electrostatic precipitators
Expanded ash leaching
Cooking and fiberline
Lime kiln
Pulp drying and baling
Evaporation plant
Mill-wide NCG
Upgraded automation system including new flow control solutions, advanced new process controls and an operator training simulator.